A review by livinthebubble
Accidentally Engaged by Farah Heron


 I thought my last read was full of miscommunication, but I guess I’m getting another dose.

When I read the blurb, I expected a romance with fake dating and a baking competition. Did I get that? Yes, but not as I anticipated. The plot was all over the place. For the first half of the book, the focus was on the baking competition, which I enjoyed. I loved reading about them cooking together and falling for each other. However, the second half was a mess. The cooking competition became an afterthought, and the massive miscommunication between the main characters took centre stage.

There was every subplot you could imagine: her parents' secrets, her job search and quest for fulfilment, her sister, her past trauma, Nadim's secrets—it just went on and on. It was too much. I really wanted more of the cooking competition and less of the soap opera drama. The cooking show sadly had a very rushed ending, even though it was a main plot point according to the blurb.

As for the relationship, it was cute for the most part. I thought it was cuter during the first part of the book, as I mentioned earlier. I'm not usually a fan of fade-to-black scenes, and that remains true in this case. Also, I'm not a kink shamer, but I don't understand why a foot fetish needed to be a key point.

The characters weren't particularly memorable. Reena was an interesting main character. I loved that she was obsessed with bread and making it. Reading about all the food she made made me very hungry. But that was all I enjoyed. With Nadim, I didn't feel like I could connect with him, even if I wanted to, since we only got Reena's POV.

Overall, I think Farah Heron's YA books are more my kind of thing.