A review by shane_digiovanna
Lost Souls by David Mack


The Pinnacle of Trek Literature

The trilogy Star Trek Destiny is the absolute pinnacle of Trek literature. Not only is it one of, if not the, greatest Trek stories ever told, it’s one of the greatest works of science fiction I’ve ever read. At its heart is the most frightening enemy the Federation has ever faced - the Borg. They’re on a mission to exterminate the Federation, and Picard, Riker, and Dax (Captains of the Enterprise E, Titan, and Aventine) must join together in a desperate quest to save the universe.

It’s a brilliant crossover, with every era and show (Enterprise, TOS, TNG, DS9, & VOY) having its time to shine. It weaves together seamlessly story lines from a more than a dozen different characters and books, yet it’s very readable without needing to read any previous books. Simply, this is Star Trek at its best. Yes, there’s a horrifying enemy wreaking devastation and death, but there’s hope and brilliance and kindness and love beyond compare. This is the only Star Trek book (and one of the few books of any genre) to make me weep. In a good way!

If you love Star Trek, read this book. It will make you love this franchise even more than you thought possible. Open this book and explore strange new worlds in the world you love.