A review by dynamicdylan
I Think Our Son Is Gay, Vol. 02 by Okura


CW: Gossip at work about a possible gay coworker, Bullying, Fight

This volume was so good! We follow a boy named Hiroki, who is still discover who he is and what he wants to be in life. Both as his identity and exploring his future career paths. We see the story through his mom's eyes, as she supports him in his endeavors.
I cried at the end of this volume, because of the afterward! It's not my place to talk about it, though, you'll have to read it yourself to find out. There's also a great chapter discussing what you like and gender. I found that discussion very relatable and thought provoking. Why do we focus so much on what people read based on their gender? Enjoy what you like!
This series is wonderful and I highly recommend it!