A review by melancholicqueercrip
There Is A Light by Ban Gilmartin


Once again, the power of Ban’s writing has overridden my crushing fear of words and driven me to write my second ever book review. So here goes: TIAL as a story captures so much of what my life has been like as I enter my 20s. I was able to relate so thoroughly, in a way that I haven’t really experienced with other books; there is just some essential element that Ban gets. I can’t name it, but it’s powerful. The writing is hilarious and painfully truthful and incredibly hard to put down. But my favorite part (as always) is the characters. They are all so well realized and specific. I can see parts of myself I’ve never read anywhere before reflected in so many of them. Basically, it was a really fucking good book and it made me feel joy in spite of all the crazy shit going on right now. So yes, there is a light, and (for me at least) it is this book.