A review by nhnabass
Sabriel by Garth Nix


Surprisingly enjoyable for what it was, and it does a lot right given it's age.

I love the way the necromancers are regarded in this world-- I feel most often necromancy is usually a hated, evil, and taboo magic. To see the characters in this world regard it with such respect really emphasized the importance of Sabriel's journey and added stakes that I was not expecting! Also, using bells to cast spells was a very interesting magic mechanic I have not seen before that I particularly liked. I will say the journey is a little breakneck, but the pacing isn't awful. Sabriel makes logical choices, doesn't doddle, and reacts appropriately to the situations that befall her.

I went in with really low expectations for some reason and I actually was happily surprised with the writing. It definitely reads as a YA for most of it-- the romance was silly but it's a kids book from the 90s, so I won't fault it. That aside, the gruesome descriptions of the Dead and the things Sabriel fights are *fantastically* terrifying. The imagery is frighteningly vivid and very well done, which again emphasizes the stakes. There's nothing worse than an adventure story where the danger doesn't feel real.

My only qualms: I felt thrown into the world with not a lot of history/understanding of the magic system or the Charter. I would like a better, deeper dive into the history of the Charter Mages and more lore on the Abhorsens. The main characters aren't the most developed either, but I'm reading this as a story about the journey, but I wish I could've learned more about Sabriel along the way. Also, what the fuck is Mogget? Where the fuck is Mogget? I quite liked their character as a snarky little thing and then all of a sudden we get this insane description of some Free Magic and seemingly inter-dimensional demon type creature? Very interested in more background on that as well.

Overall, excited to read the sequel! Enjoyable read.