A review by my_expanding_bookshelf
Lost Princess by Dani-Lyn Alexander


I liked Lost Princess. It was a really great continuation of the story started in Reluctant Prince. In fact, I enjoyed it slightly more than the first book.

Lost Princess begins almost exactly where Reluctant Prince finishes and the action starts just pages in. It's great! There's no dragged-out build-up. You are thrown right into the story and because of this I only put it down once and only because it was so late. The suspense was just brilliant!

Once again the story is told via the alternating perspectives of Ryleigh and Jackson. Therefore, we continue to see the whole story as it progresses as Ryleigh and Jackson spend a lot of time apart during Lost Princess. This also makes it harder to suss out who exactly has betrayed Jackson by working alongside Kai. Although, I did have it narrowed down before the big reveal.

Lost Princess is a fairly fast paced read with lots of action. There were also plenty of twists and turns to keep the reader interested. Some plot lines aren't completely tied up and there is a slight cliff-hanger however I'm sure these will be handled in the nest instalment of the series.

I did once again really enjoy the characters. Particularly Ryliegh and Jackson. Ryleigh really does come “into her own” and accepts her role in Cymmera. She can be quite a fierce leader as not only can she be strategic but she also really cares about people.

Jackson is still struggling with his father’s death as it has only been a few days (I thin) however he is getting there slowly. This, to me, shows that he is "only human" (for lack of a better term as he is immortal). I really felt for him in terms of the betrayal and his confusion as he doesn't know he to trust.

I also liked that Ryleigh and Jackson clashed quite a bit in Lost Princess. It shows that they aren’t the perfect couple and there will be instances when they will have to agree to disagree. I think it also shows how little they actually know each other too.

However, as I said in my review of Reluctant Prince, I do wish there was more description. It would fill the story out a bit more and the world building would be so much better for it. Even so it is still a pretty cool world/dimension.

I would definitely recommend the Kingdom of Cymmera series to those who enjoy YA fantasy with a dash of romance. However, I believe "hard-core" fans of fantasy could be let down by the lack of description but it's still a really good read.

I look forward to reading the next instalment in the series and will definitely be keeping my eye out for more by Dani-Lyn Alexander.

I received a copy of Lost Princess via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This review and many more can be found at My Expanding Bookshelf.