A review by fallingwings
Claiming Marcus by Jocelynn Drake



Even vampires aren't immune to insta love apparently.

Also, why does it feel like sex scenes were written by a different person than the rest of this book? It's like a bad porno with gag worthy lines.

Apparently working for someone for 10 years means nothing if you aren't the gender your boss is sexually attracted to. But damn, if you are that gender, you can expect to get immediately hired and given access to most things within a matter of weeks that the other person wasn't privy to during the entire decade they worked.

The cover is lovely though and I actually really liked Marcus overall (except for that part above. Seriously, 10 years. Where is your loyalty, man? Why are you acting like some corporate hotshot?).

Ethan was an okay character, but I just could not get over the fact that he had a mission and a motive that was flushed down the drain because he had the hots for the person he was supposed to be watching/targeting. I hate it when physical attraction makes a character throw everything out the window without hardly any hesitation or questioning (or the fact Marcus was pretty much the only Vampire he knew/met that wasn't bloodthirsty, so his logical was that...all vampires are good? What?)

Lovely cover
Intriguing ideas
But it just fell flat for me personally