A review by ileanxulean
Untying the Knot by Meghan Quinn


It was OK. Just OK.
The more I read, the more I hated Myla. I was really rooting for her in the beginning until I found out she was acting this way after 6 months. SIX MONTHS!!! After YEARS of Ryot worshipping the ground she walks on, god forbid, he focuses his career for six months and she’s suddenly slapping him with divorce papers.
Myla was so petty, childish, and overall just one big selfish hypocrite. She deliberately hurts Ryot repeatedly throughout the years they were together and then turns around and punishes him for neglecting her and “hurting her” once during the 6+ years they were together. All because he was focused on his career and she felt neglected. Seriously?? And it just got worse. Myla was being such a petulant child with the “this is mine, this is mine, I touched this, so it’s mine now.” I cant with her. She was such an ugly person that, if this was real life, I’d be telling Ryot he dodged a bullet by divorcing her. She doesn’t deserve him.

The best quote was Nichole saying “you f*cked up but we all have our moments” isn’t that the truth? No one’s perfect and it was so hypocritical of Myla to punish Ryot so much for putting his needs first after doing everything, literally EVERYTHING, for her.

I’m still giving this 3 stars because there WERE fun moments so I didn’t exactly hate it.