A review by oreoluwaaaa
Torn by Carian Cole


3.75 ⭐️s.. this is a tough one… i came across this on tiktok bc the premise was so wild- a guy falls in love with his goddaughter- yet the reviews were mixed. I would have thought the outrage would be too much, so I got curious as always. The premise still irks me, however (and i can’t believe im saying this) there is a cute story somewhere. He really should have not crossed the line, but the context surrounding her make a romantic relationship like this somehow feasible (if i squint hard) which a 300+ page book immersing you in everything would do. In real life it’s a hard no for me.. he is 15 years older than her and was basically her father: he took care of he; it’s just too weird man… he could have been younger and she, older… and been a neighbour or sth who grew up with her and we could have had the same story without the deep power imbalance and exploiting the natural paternalism that arises in a situation like this (which shows up in romantic contexts, so i can kinda sorta understand but omo..