A review by togidemi
Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert



The general consensus on Goodreads seems to be that Gilbert's kind of a conceited white bitch? And yeah, now and then the privilege shows and sounds faux-enlightened and it takes me out of it for a hot second, but MAN. WHAT A CHARMING AND ENGAGING WRITING STYLE. I ADORE the conversational, witty, and friendly way Gilbert writes. It's like listening to your bubbly, sorta grating rich-ass friend from high school telling you about her travels - like, yeah Glenda, good for you, being way above my socioeconomic class and getting hippie-dippie spiritual revelations, but you'd still listen because despite it all she's still a good friend and you have an inexplicable soft spot for her. The fact that there's 108 chapters - most of which are don't exceed five pages in length - also fed the "Oh Just One More Chapter" syndrome really badly.

so ye i'm apparently a middle-aged mom given my taste in books smh i'm having an identity crisis