A review by fredlanthier
Chainmail Bikini: The Anthology of Women Gamers by Hazel Newlevant


I loved the concept. I wish there'd be more videogames and boardgames included in this anthology, but LARP and D&D is also fun to read about :) The stories I enjoyed the more are: Choose your own adventure - Rachel Ordway, Better Together - Hazel Newlevant, Reticulating Splines - Amanda Scurti (OMG SIMS!), Boy or Girl - Kori Michele, Here comes a new challenger - Kinoko Evans, Rush of blood - Hazel Newlevant, Three weekends a year - Kate Craig, Absolute Dominion - Diana Nock, Memoir of a part-time knight - Yao Xiao, Dream Suite - Megan Brennan, Ikachan - Jane Mai, Achievement Unlocked - Jade F. Lee, Hermia - Miranda Harmon. Loved the illustrations and/or stories shared by these authors!