A review by alastairherd
Logic: A Very Short Introduction by Graham Priest


Before saying anything else if you are going to get a basic book on Logic don't get this one, get Logic by Wilfred Hodges (Pelican - Out of Print). You can find it easily online for less than this book and it is way better.

It took me a long time to get through this book. Not because it was long, but because it was too short.... Sadly, I always finish books I start so I made it out the other side.

I will start with the positives of the book which are:

1. It has problems and solutions in the back
2. It has a glossary page of terms at the back incase you forget what something means

Those are probably the best bits.

I've read quite a few "Very Short Introduction" books now and I've come to the conclusion that they're not very good. Most of them seem to be written by people who can't figure out what kind of book they're writing. They tend to be too short to give the reader any depth in the topic, but also too short for the author to actually explain the basics of the topic. Basically, a book for someone who doesn't need to read it.

With that said, this is definitely the worst one I have read.

Throughout the book the author seems to have a hard time staying on topic, which, given the brevity of the chapters makes most of them fairly pointless, reminding me more of one of those 10 minute explanatory Youtube videos where they spend 9 minutes rambling about the weather and then copy a load of text on screen at the end and think they're the bees-knees . If the chapters have to be short (or even "Very Short") then they ought to be focused on the topic at hand.

This book is only easy to read finishable if you already know enough logic to begin with to not need a "Very Short Introduction" and that point, why waste your time with this.