A review by ghostbusterwhit
Getting Things Done for Teens: Take Control of Your Life in a Distracting World by David Allen, Mike Williams, Mark Wallace


I can't review the effectiveness of a system I haven't tried yet, but I can review the book itself. This book had everything I wanted out of an introduction to the GTD system without all the stuff I'd heard about the original and updated books, namely outrageous complexity, Russian nesting dolls of systems within systems, and drrrrryyyyy writing. Instead I got a couple of compelling chapters that made the case for the system and then an explanation of how GTD works in theory and practice. It's still complicated! I immediately restarted the audiobook once I finished it, this time with a notebook and pen. But it's manageable, and it's justified why I should try it.

I've read reviews stating that the pictures, especially charts, are helpful and clearer than those in the other GTD books. I can't speak to that as an audiobook listener, but I can say that the narrator was excellent. Much of my actual pleasure in listening to this was from his delivery of the material.