A review by teresab78
Alaska, with Love by Sandrine Gasq Dion, Sandrine Gasq-Dion


2.5 Stars - In someways it was better than [b:A Marked Man|13447566|A Marked Man (Assassin/Shifter, #1)|Sandrine Gasq-Dion|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1329003534s/13447566.jpg|18964525], there was less sex - at least in the first half - and both characters stayed true to their personalities. I just never really connected with them. It was instsa-love, which is fine to make a connection, but I just felt they really had nothing in common to keep them together other than they both thinking the other beautiful. There was the "magic penis" (as I saw someone refer to it) where they magically never got soft and came a gazillion times in an hour. Many of these things I give leeway for in a paranormal as it isn't true to life, but so far, no paranormals here.
SpoilerThey do reveal themselves in the last paragraph of the second to last chapter, though you do wonder what the heck kind of wolves they got in Alaska before then.
I was hoping for more from a series so highly rated. I didn't even end the book going, "well that was ridiculous but fun, let's try the next one" I'm just done.

BTW Grown men chuckle; little girls and boys giggle! I might even be ok if men giggled (once!) if being tickled, but not all the time!!!