A review by shhchar
Broadway Lights by Jen Calonita


I love this series. It is great for anyone who is fascinated by celebrities and Hollywood. This one focuses on Broadway too. Jen Calonita is a great writer, and I love her Secrets of My Hollywood Life. All of them have been different and unique, which can be hard considering it's book 5. This one was fluffy though.

I feel like the relationship with Austin is repeating. Not being able to make time for eachother is an old subject. I'd like to see the next and final book take on some harder issues than that, which I'm sure it does considering the bio.
Also, is it bad that I ADORE Sky? I think she's one of the most truthful characters, even if she is a b*tch. Without her, this book would have been boring. Dylan and Rylie were a nice addition, although I don't think any guy who allows the girl he supposedly 'likes' to be verbally-beaten by someone else is gentleman. The overuse of British terms were cheesy at points, but did the trick.

Any-who, I recommend reading the first book first. (Of course.) And definitely stick with the series! 4/5 stars.