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A review by denizyildiz
Temptations of a Wallflower by Eva Leigh


2.5 Stars
It's a bit too long wound and overly dramatic for me

While I did enjoy some parts of the writing others felt too flowery and constructed. Then there are very beautiful moments I absolutely loved.

I liked the plot well enough but again there were parts I didn't like.
I love how they got to know each other- even if it was total insta it was also slow. I know this is a romance and all that ,so it's quite light hearted- but the end? It kinda annoyed me, what's the message here? What about finding compromises? The parents were way to black and white for my taste. What about the mothers? So basically find your true love and then you will be able to become who you wanna be and screw the rest of the world?
In fact there are so many extreme views in this -like with the writing. Everything is all or nothing, no compromise whatsoever ever - as I said too dramatic for me

The character building feels similar as in that it is full of extreme. The two MCs are really well done. The are complex and interesting. But the support cast are completely black and white. Either they are this are awesome wonderful supportive people or they are mean, short-sighted and selfish. They kinda there to help with the story, but don't particularly feel like real characters.

Basically while I think this is well written and some parts were enjoyable, it also left me annoyed and at times felt more like a chore to read. So I am totally divided. Which leaves me wondering about rating, again. Truly I do believe most people who enjoy historical romances will adore this. It just didn't quite work for me. So while well written and entertaining, it's only 2.5Stars. Because in the end IMO for something to be good, I should like the writing style find plot and character building ok but most of all I should have enjoyed reading it.