A review by fictionfan
Some Must Watch by Ethel Lina White


Amusing in parts...

An insane murderer is rampaging through the countryside, killing young women. Helen, a young woman, has taken a job with the Warren family in their manor house right slap bang in the middle of where the murderer is doing his thing. But she's perfectly safe, because there are lots of other people in the house with her. Except that, for one reason or another, gradually all the other people either leave the house or become incapable of helping. Soon Helen is on her own... or is she??

There are good things about this book and overall it's a light, entertaining read for the most part, although I did find myself beginning to skim in the last third, feeling that I was more than ready for the thriller ending. It has a nice Gothic feel to it, with the rambling old house and a bunch of eccentric and not very likeable upper class characters, whom White, via Helen, has some fun showing up as arrogant snobs and relatively useless members of the human race. The servants come off much better, though they're not exactly saints either. To call Helen curious would be an understatement – she pokes her nose in everywhere and always has to be where the action is. The cook likes to drink her employer's brandy, while her husband's main feature is his laziness. But still, they all have good hearts, which is more than can be said for the Warrens. On the whole, I enjoyed the characterisations although unfortunately Helen annoyed me intensely throughout.

My first real problem is with Helen's position in the household. I have no idea what she's actually employed to do. She refers to herself as “the help” but beyond dusting the bannisters occasionally so she can eavesdrop on conversations, I couldn't work out her duties. If she's supposed to do housework, then how come she'd never been in the Professor's study before that night? If she's a maid, she most certainly wouldn't don an evening gown and eat her meals with the family, as she does. In fact, I can't think of any servant other than a governess or a companion who would ever have eaten with the family in a household like this one, and she's neither of those. So right from the start, credibility was gone.

It is assumed by everyone that Helen is to be the murderer's next victim – no idea why. Perhaps she was the only remaining young woman in the district. The assumption is also that he'll come for her this dark and stormy night (despite him having committed another murder just that afternoon – prolific!). So Professor Warren puts all kinds of safety measures in operation which everyone then promptly ignores, even Helen, who doesn't seem to be able to remember basic things like don't open the door to potential murderers late at night. Gradually all the people who could have protected her either leave the house or become incapacitated in one way or another, until she is left only with horrible old Lady Warren, whose hobby is throwing things at menials, and Lady Warren's even more horrible nurse, whose hobby is tormenting Helen. It's a fun premise, but it takes far too long to get there. The ending when it finally came sadly didn't surprise me – it had seemed increasingly obvious as time went on, both whodunit and what form the denouement would take.

I didn't dislike it as much as this critical review is probably suggesting – for the most part, it held my attention and was quite amusing. But I'm afraid my recommendation is half-hearted at best. 2½ stars for me, so rounded up.
