A review by readingwithkelsey
AOC: The Fearless Rise of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and What It Means for America by Lynda Lopez


3.5 stars - Let me start this off by saying I am a big, big fan of AOC. It is a misunderstanding on my part but what pulls down my rating for this book is that I went into this with completely different expectations for the book (and by looking at other reviews, I am not alone). I expected this to be more of a biography on AOC, but it is instead a collection of essays on how AOC has changed and inspired the lives of many - which is great! I found this book to be really enjoyable and listening to the different ways AOC has inspired the contributors was interesting and felt really meaningful. My main complaint is that because this isn't biographical, the biographical stuff that was included in the individual essays felt repetitive and I wish that this was edited down more cohesively. I think it's a worthwhile read if you are interested in AOC and how she has shaped the lives of others!