A review by snoopydoo77
Crave by Tracy Wolff


Wow this book was a total surprise to me. I have seen it many times but the ratings where very mixed so I was not going to pick it up. But a friend I trust told me I would like it and I should read it, so I did.   

And yes, I did like it .. a lot. A lot more than I thought, even though there were some elements that I normally do not like.  

Did it remind me of Twilight? Yes, a little but it also had enough of its own to be pretty different from Twilight. Also thought it was better than Twilight.  

Everyone who knows me or my taste in books, knows I’m not a insta-love fan so we had that, a little bit of a love triangle – but not really (if you read the book, it makes sense lol) , also angsty teens. All those things are normally things I shy away from we had in this book but I can’t say I hated it. Actually, quieted enjoyed it.  

I lLOVED the writing; I loved the suspense and it kept me engaged and guessing to the end.  .. Some things were pretty predictable but we also had some pretty big twists and turns.   

The end!!!! OMG!!! I had so many guesses but that was not even on the list of things I thought of …. We get a lot of actions throughout. I can’t wait to learn more about the races and their lore... So far, I enjoyed the way the vampires, wolves and dragons are in this series. I love to see more of all of them but most of all the witches.  

After that ending I also have so many much more questions and can't wait to find out more.  

The one thing that bothered me a bit was her “family” it seemed like they only there to give her a reason to be at the school. Her Uncle was not very engaged for being her guardian unless she was injured. It just seemed a bit odd, and sometimes made no sense considering the things that are happening to her around her. But I hope that will be resolved next book.  

Over all I enjoyed it but I don’t think I can give it higher than 3.5,  just because there are the elements I dislike and the family thing. But the last 150 some pages were insane and the shocking cliffhanger made sure I will read book two. And most likely pretty soon. 

So, this will sit at a 3.5 ★, But I have a feeling book two will be even higher. 

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