A review by goosemixtapes
Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller


love SFF books about trans people. would love to read a good one someday.

to be quite honest, i probably should have DNF'd this. i was iffy about the concept going in (sarah j maas* couldn't sell me on "competition to become the newest royal assassin where almost anyone can join, as if that's safe or sensible" and neither could this), and the first chapter wasn't... great. characters floating in a blank void of a setting; very little immediate world- or character-building; passable prose. and things didn't really get better after that; every time i put this book down, i forgot i was reading it. but, gang, i must make this clear: nobody ever writes about trans people. ever. so i felt, like, obligated to finish this.

so i'll address the trans point first: the representation is fine. it's literally fine. a few of the reviews complain that sal talks about their genderfluidity "too much," to which i say: literally where? they bring it up, like, three times because people ask their pronouns. in fact, i would have loved to see more about how gender works in this world, something more than "when i wear a tunic i'm a guy and when i wear a dress i'm a girl :)," which, though not terrible, is reductive and unenlightening about any gender-based worldbuilding there might be. i think it's possible to create a world without transphobia while also allowing a trans character to have thoughts and feelings about their gender (though, to tell the truth, i was never even sure if women are oppressed in this world, or if homophobia exists; elise sort of alludes to her father not encouraging her attraction to women, but so vaguely that i'm not confident writing this sentence).

about the worldbuilding: there isn't much, and the information that does exist is offered in the least helpful way possible. there's a difference between portioning out information slowly and just saying things and delaying their explanations. as an example: page sixteen offers, out of nowhere, this paragraph:
"Just like the old Erlend lords had. The Erlends had led the shadows through Nacea to slow them down and let the Erlend army escape while Nacea was slaughtered. My people were left as nothing more than stains on the earth where sharp, shapeless claws had flayed them apart."

things mentioned before this point in the book:
- erlend (a country)
- nacea (also a country)

things not mentioned, unless you count literally one sentence even less illuminating than the above:
- the shadows

this had me flipping back through the book to see if i had missed something. nope. the shadows aren't explained until page 23, which--sure, but why not? waiting to explain this information doesn't alter the pace, suspense, or flow of the book; it just... causes artificial suspense, i guess? this happened multiple times (i had a question; the book answered it a few pages later; i found myself wondering why the book didn't just... explain things properly the first time), and it honestly isn't that egregious a writing problem, but i couldn't help comparing this to books like gideon the ninth, which have complex worldbuilding parceled out in small bits, but in a distinctly purposeful manner colored by the point of view character's knowledge. versus this book, which just repeats the same information in clumps over and over (sometimes in adjacent chapters) because miller doesn't know how to weave it into the plot effectively. i guess you could argue it's not fair to compare this to GTN, as GTN is an adult novel and also nearly fucking flawless. take... i don't know. six of crows. six of crows doesn't do this, because leigh bardugo, though her books aren't perfect, is a good writer.

and linsey miller--at least in this book--just isn't. not a horrible writer, but not a good one either. this book could have used some more rounds of editing for prose alone; i stopped keeping count of times i just fully failed to follow the train of thought from one paragraph to the next. take page 99:
"I might've cheated my way through near everything, but there was no point in hurting servants or putting them in danger.

No wonder Maud wanted to work here forever--Our Queen took good care of her people, even if there were snakes in her gardens. I had to take care of them for her.

Magic and its shadows hadn't ended the war in favor of Erlend, The Lady hadn't saved Nacea, and praying hadn't spared Eight.

I had to place my faith in me."

how the fuck did we get from "servants are treated decently here" to "i am the only one who can keep myself safe," and do i even care? the prose isn't particularly pretty, either; it abounds with lines like "A servant wearing a plain gray uniform trimmed in blue with no jewelry or weapons bowed her head to me," AKA clunky awkward lines that need at least two more commas. (so many missing commas in this book, dear god. where was miller's editor.)

the characters are mediocre. i struggled to keep track of who was who, which maybe is on me for not putting more work into it, but i never felt inclined to put that work in when i didn't care about the story. add in that every member of the competition wears a mask and goes by a number instead of their name, and i was completely disengaged from the supporting cast. i understand why the mask/number thing is the case (for the purposes of the assassination competition), but it's a hell of a lot harder to get attached to a faceless nameless nothing figure.

except sal, too, is a non-character, despite having a name and presumably a backstory. their goal in the first chapter is a vague and watery desire to join the army (why? who knows), which immediately switches to a dogged desire to become one of the queen's assassins so they can enact revenge on the nobles who fucked their country over. sure! good for them! but this desire for revenge is never grounded in real memories of their past or grief that felt tangible. their siblings got murked, if i remember correctly, but we don't get those siblings' names. sal is a nacean patriot, but i know nothing about the culture of nacea. everything sal does is for the plot, not because they actually want it; i wrote in my notes that "this book feels pantsed," and i think that's why, because no action really has weight.

i will admit i feel bad for tearing this book apart, because... again, nobody writes about trans people! and i hate to be more critical of a book from what i think is a relatively small press than i am about, like, stephen king. but, as i've said before, i don't read stephen king, so i haven't got shit to say. i did read this and it was mid. not horrendous, just entirely flavorless and forgettable, a muddle of generic fantasy tropes that i found entirely unengaging. two stars for trans people and because it didn't make me angry; it failed to evoke any emotion in me at all.

*the sarah j maas comparisons to this book are inevitable, and to them i will say: at least this book knows gay people exist and that women can be friends with each other. nor does it skim over its own selling point (the competition) for a love triangle. in fact, there is no love triangle. do with this information what you will.