A review by chllybrd
Rogue's Pawn by Jeffe Kennedy


The opening line of the summery is definitely right on, This is no Fairy Tale. In fact a good portion of the first half of the book was depressing to have to witness.

It took a while for the story to take off. The beginning really didn't give any clues as to where the story might go or the whole point of what was happening. When Jennifer finally was sent into faery it still seemed to take a while to get the point of things but the scenery was quite nice. There were some interesting characters and creatures thrown into the story and I really only disliked a few of them that you are pretty much expected to dislike. There are some things that I wish would have been explained more like why Jennifer was now Gwynn (besides just saying that was what Rogue picked), and why she is pretty much a slave but still treated as royalty by most people (What gives her, her status exactly) Maybe I just missed it?. There is a ton of things happening in the story but the pace was all out of whack for the most part. There is a lot of world building and I did enjoy about every aspect of Jeffe Kennedy's idea of Faerie.

ROGUE'S PAWN was definitely unique. Even having said all that I was still interested in seeing what would happen next and I'm still interested in seeing what happens to the characters in the future.