A review by weweresotired
Fire Season by KD Casey


Oh I have not had a book hangover like this in absolutely ages.

For some reason it took me a few starts to actually get into this -- I think that has more to do with me than it does the book -- but once I did, I read almost all of it in one go, including staying up far, far too late to finish it.

Maybe I'm just at a particularly delicate spot in life or something but I cried through big chunks of this book as Reid and Charlie struggle to deal with their feelings, their pasts, the realities of being professional ballplayers in two very different stages of their careers. The pain, uncertainty, hope, fear that they both go through is so palpable.

Even though their attraction to each other is immediate -- come on, this is a romance novel after all -- this is a good, slow burn, with lots of longing on both sides before they get it together, and when they do it's absolutely worth the wait. It's been a long time since I've actually felt a little breathless as I read. Helping someone with their curveball mechanics has never been so hot, or so emotionally fraught.

I was a little confused as to where this takes place in the chronology of this universe, but that's relatively unimportant in the grand scheme of things. I still paused more than a few times trying to slot the events of this book in with the events of Unwritten Rules, but that's more of a me problem and didn't take away from my enjoyment of this book.

This is one I desperately wish was available in hard copy. Alas.