A review by blodeuedd
The Chaos of Standing Still by Jessica Brody


At first it was good, and then it just got better and better. McFadden was a great narrator and really nailed Ryn, and her best friend Lottie. I can still hear Lottie in my head saying those words she always said.

It is a book about grief and denial. Ryn lost her best friend and it ha almost been a year. But she is not really grieving and her therapist is saying she has survivor's guilt. I felt so sorry for her. She was so lost without Lottie who had been what seemed her only friend. Because when you had Lottie there was no room for more. And she so should have grieved, but she could not. She was obsessed with her phone instead and not reading the last thing Lottie ever sent her...and she heard her voice. Yeah, she was a bit crazy. She really was stuck.

But then comes Denver and a crazy night. It is not like the boy she meets cures her. It is more that cos of all the people she meet she just finally decides to open up. But she will act a lot of crazy before that. I was afraid first that meeting a boy would cure everything, but I am glad the author stayed away from that. Only Ryn can save herself.

So yes she meets Xander. There is airport bingo, a New Year's party, and a conspiracy about the Denver airport. That omg was true. I had to take a look at the murals that they have there and what the?! I kind of started to believe it too.

It takes place during 24 intense hours and it just turns out wonderfully.

Great book with a tough subject to handle

I already said that McFadden was good and she so it. She had a great range, I knew everyone at once when I heard them. Everyone was distinct and had their own voice
She was perfect for YA