A review by shutupnread
Crashed by Robin Wasserman


All I can really say for Crashed was that it took me forever to read because I was so easily distracted with other things that made this book seem not so important. I'm not sure if it was because of the dramas I was watching during the time I read this book or what but Crashed, for me, wasn't as exciting nor as intense as the first book, Skinned.

I felt the characters were lacking as well as the plot. The only good thing about the plot was some of the mysterious aspects that came up throughout the novel that somewhat stimulated my need to read this book. However, even that wasn't good enough. I remember forcing myself to read a few chapters every night just so I can get over it and go on reading more interesting books.

And the characters weren't as exciting. I found Lia, Jude and the rest of the mech gang to be disappointing in nature. I had expected a more thrilling plot with charismatic characters since the first book, Jude was introduced as someone who was charismatic enough to charm all those mechs into obeying him. I just found myself somewhat disappointed.

One aspect I found interesting was The Brotherhood that made its appearance in this novel. They really represent the society's fear of the mechs and how far they are willing to go in ridding the world of them. I found that they played a far better antagonist group than Lia's old high school friends. This was probably the one thing that saved this book even if it was just a little part.

Oh, I just remembered another interesting tidbit - the fact that Lia and some of the other mechs have many duplicates. Because the body Lia now has isn't custom made, she finds many people who look just like her. And it is because of this that she finds herself as a suspect to something she didn't do. One of those mysterious aspects I talked about.

Overall, Crashed was a semi-disappointing sequel to Skinned. Hopefully the last book, Wired, will successfully conclude this trilogy.