A review by sionna
Southern Peach Pie and a Dead Guy by A. Gardner


Poppy was a ballerina but, has since been injured and decided to follow in her grandmother's footsteps of going to school at CPA and then possibly opening her own bakery. She goes from Oregon to Georgia being hit not only with the heat but, also the fact that she is definitely NOT the best in class. And with some unfortunately events, she ends up finding a dead guy.

This story was easy to read, fun, light, and a bit quirky. Also, I wanted sweets the WHOLE time I was eating this.

But, there were some down sides....
' "You're different from other women I've met here so far," he comments... "I know," I reply with a mouth full of citrus icing.'

NO!!! is what went through my head when I read these lines. I absolutely hate the whole 'omg wow you are so different from EVERY OTHER WOMAN in the world- that's so amazing Its a huge blow to all other women because We aren't all the same! And who else has he been meeting at this school?
I guess being that the book opens with Poppy and Cole talking he could have been the first one she met?
I almost stopped reading here because I was so disappointed.
I'm glad I didn't.

There were also a few grammar issues (nothing memorable) and a few confusing parts like when they are sitting at their work stations on the first day.
'He [Cole] sits in the back row and casually folds his arms as he leans back on his stool to let another student past him.'

Either I'm completely misunderstanding the scene or he chose to let someone pass between him and his station (is there even room?) instead of not acting cool and leaning forward to let someone go behind him.

Besides those, I don't remember having any issues with the book. Absolutely loved how the mystery went and that we were introduced to everyone. I loved the competitions and meeting her family and I honestly can't wait~~ to try the recipes in the back ^_^
Although, one spoiler and last thing that irked me.
Spoiler Bree should have won the contest with Poppy getting second or they both should have won. As much as she was talked up, we didn't even get to see the judges taste her food or ask questions. I LOVE BREE! and to see her kinda left out and not given the light she deserved made me sad.

Anyhow, I recommend this wholeheartedly to anyone in need of a quick/light read or a love for food.