A review by bookishobsessedmama
Strong Female Character by Hanna Flint


I am honestly shook. wow. i mean wow. 

I’ve made it a 2023 goal to read at least 1 nonfiction book a month to widen my reading library and because of that i stumbled into  this phenomenal book. 

Honesty - everyone should read this. EVERYONE. NOT JUST FEMALES. 👏🏻 

from page 1 i was immediately captivated. Throughout every single page you’re given movies that are recent or very popular throwbacks that support the idea that women should be perfect. and by perfect i mean - no period, no “negative aspects” to them, all the way to the idea of woman masterbation is  unacceptable. WHY do we allow even movies to just put women down, look lower onto them and bring us all down to a lower level for simply being the way that we were created as women. 

I feel like a lot of things that the author talked about were things i subconsciously knew - knew that i even felt the same way but wouldn’t admit to it because wouldn’t that make me imperfect or wrong? WELP NO. Hanna Flint says it alll, what needs to be said and what needs to be understood. 

This is a phenomenal read. Definitely check it out if you’re wanting to expand upon your nonfiction catalog.