A review by starry_ayed
Sabriel by Garth Nix


I told myself I could forgive Sabriel for everything I hated in her,
if she simply freed Mogget at the end of the book. But the writing never required her to acknowledge that Mogget was right to hate her and her whole rotten family. Instead Sabriel's mind twisted the further the story went, bending to justify Mogget's enslavement. It reminded me of what became of Mrs Auld, after she was forbidden from teaching little Freddy Douglass to read. I wished like burning that Mogget could escape, that he could disappear, and become his own being again. I saw how Sabriel was impatient and irritated with Touchstone when he spoke submissively to her; how she loathed Mogget for speaking familiarly with her, or even being the slightest bit rude; how she had no reflexive gratitude to him; how she was even relieved by his apparent death. The ending brought me to tears. Mogget is put on par with rotten-hearted Kerrigor, who bled his own mother dead, who sought to poison the spring of magic for his own sake - their defeat is synchronised, Mogget's re-enslavement celebrated. For me this poisons the whole of this world, kills dead any interest I had in continuing this series. I can have no love in my heart for white slavers.

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