A review by captwinghead
Boys Run the Riot Vol. 4 by Keito Gaku, Leo McDonagh


This volume was more of the feeling the first volume gave me. Centering Boys Run the Riot and giving us Jin’s story, finally, it was very moving. It was nice to see how the brand’s support of the outcast spread into supporting more kinds of outcasts. While I also think they would’ve found success even if they had mostly focused on the LGBT community, I think it’s nice they found a way for all 3 members of the brand to see themselves in the concept.

The ending was beautiful and I liked how Ryo’s experienced inspired him to reach out to another student that was being bullied.

The short story included at the end was really heartfelt. Though hard to read, it had a great message and I’m glad to have read it. This series was definitely something unlike the other manga I’ve read.