A review by somanybooksineedmoretime
Last Hit by Jessica Clare, Jen Frederick



Method: audiobook

Rating: 3/5 stars

H rating: 3.5/5 - Nikolai. Oy vey this guy is definitely a bit psycho, very much obsessed with her but I did feel his care and lover for her through the book..not much growth but ehh. I wasn't expecting it.

h rating: 3/5 - Daisy. Holy Pollyanna. I didn't really like you..leaving your mentally unstable father behind is uncool..on so many levels.

Drama: 4/5 - I found most of the drama was around the need to escape and then her issues with his job.

Thoughts: I don't know..it was interesting and it was a good book, it just didn't really hold my attention much throughout the book. I did really like the narrators voice, so there is that.