A review by alwaysreadingmore
Where the Lost Wander by Amy Harmon


SYNOPSIS: Set on the Oregon Trail in 1853 families make the difficult trek out west. Struggling to survive the harsh conditions, not everyone makes it alive. Naomi became a widow at the age of 20 but is determined to leave her grief behind and find a better life. She and her family travel in a caravan with a half Pawnee Native American named John. Naomi and John have an instant connection. Their love is tested by the hardships of the journey and their different cultural heritages.

REVIEW: This was my first historical fiction romance, and I’m a fan! I liked reading from both John and Naomi’s perspectives. Amy Harmon wrote in a way that showed the hardships of the grueling expedition without it being the entire focus. The disease, dehydration, broken wagons, rough terrain, attacks from Native Americans, crossing raging rivers are only some of the set backs. Some women traveled while pregnant and many families turned back and never made it. The author’s note at the end mentioned how John was a real person and how she has a personal connection to the story! I will be reading more Amy Harmon books in the future!