A review by ravenslanding
Sweep of the Heart by Ilona Andrews


If you pitched this book to me with no context I would say, " hm, interesting" and go about my day.
Because anytime I hear "games" or "competition" I start to lose interest and adding "spouse selection" does not help your case.

But hosting the selection is another challenge for Dina and Sean, and I am here for those

Oh, it's Caledenia's nephew choosinga spouse (you know, the guy whose father she murdered). That really IS interesting.

Even so, I was prepared to be bored. But then I was suddenly deeply invested in learning about each candidate and trying to figure out all the political machinations and WhAt AbOuT LoVe??? Who will Kosandion choose? Willhe gets assassinated instead? Will someone ELSE get assassinated?

Plus a bunch of other REALLY IMPORTANT STUFF.
I laughed. I almost cried.

Cannot wait for the next one.