A review by thaliasoul
Peerless Flats by Esther Freud


Least favourite aspect/element of the book:
Unfortunately there is nothing much that can be said about this book...it is not very bad but it is not good at all either. Its utter inability to forward any thought-provoking thought or statement suprises me since the topic and perspective in itself holds certain potential...I just read this book a couple of days ago and can hardly remember who was in it and what they were doing...Additionally I have a creeping suspition that the book even leaves room for some heavy criticism concerning the messages it gives off...drug abuse and addiction for instance are depicted in a rather bizarre way: it is mentioned and for a short time determines where the story leads us but all in all the people in the book show a rather apathetic attitude towards it...

Favourite aspect/element of the book:
I read it within one day...so I could move on quite quickly after it.