A review by meezcarrie
Death at High Tide: An Island Sisters Mystery by Hannah Dennison


3.5 stars

Death at High Tide has the feel of an Agatha Christie mystery in many respects, but almost in caricature. In fact it reminds me more of an old Tim Conway / Don Knotts movie – Private Eyes – where all the characters are more than a little “off” and none are especially likable. The closed room nature of the vividly drawn setting (an eccentric Art Deco hotel on an isolated island only accessible when the tide cooperates) definitely gives the book a boost of interest, as do the closely guarded secrets of its inhabitants. While the only character I found consistently engaging was killed off in this first book, I’m still curious as to where the series will go from here. Fans of British cozies should give this one a try for sure!

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

Reviewer’s Note: Readers may want to be aware that this book does contain more cursing & coarse language than is typical for this genre.

first appeared on Reading Is My SuperPower