A review by carolpk
Oxygen by Carol Cassella


If you believe that author’s should write what they know you should like this book. And even if you think that’s not true, as some authors do, you’ll appreciate that Carol Wiley Cassella brings her profession as an anesthesiologist to life in the pages of her debut novel, Oxygen. As oxygen (the gas) is required for breathing, Cassella’s book is equally breathtaking. Though there is an element of mystery to the story, it is really more an exploration of the medical system and its inadequacies. It would appeal to readers who like a story that tugs your heart, makes you think, and leaves you with hope.

Dr. Marie Hinton, anesthesiologist at First Lutheran Hospital, Seattle, finds herself the plaintiff in a malpractice suit after the death of eight year old Jolene Jansen. Marie can’t believe this nightmare is happening and begins to question all that she does, the entirety of what she believes, who she is, and especially her chosen career. She revisits the operation over and over again trying to figure out what went wrong. Sounds like a fairly simple story but Cassella’s writing style makes it an emotional ride.

This is a book I will recommend to my friends and anyone else who will listen. I see Cassella has a new book coming out in July, 2010. It can’t be soon enough for me.