A review by bibliotequeish
The Unplanned Life of Josie Hale by Stephanie Eding


Josie is pregnant and alone.
Her husband has cheated on her she has no money. No job. And her parents have essentially kicked her out (what??)
Craving some comfort food she goes to the County fair when she runs into some of her old high school friends - Kevin and former crush Ben.
When the boys ask Josie to move in with them what choice does she have? Again because her parents … kicked their pregnant daughter out of their house.

Let’s dissect.
What parent would leave their pregnant daughter homeless so they can downsize? So right off the bat I was thrown.

The relationship Josie had with Kevin and Ben felt so immature. I’m not sure if it was the dialogue or the constant mention of beanbag chairs, but I found myself rolling my eyes a lot.

This book went from total mess to neat little bow, and I don’t think life is like that. Felt very unrealistic to me