A review by getthisgirlabook
Book Lovers by Emily Henry


I had high hopes…. And I am a book lover… but I didn’t love book lovers.

A good hunky love interest sure, but I couldn’t enjoy my protagonist. Nora felt too all consuming to be as “selfless” when it came to her family as it was and I think that was the beginning of my icks with this novel.

I thought Charlie has all the reason in the world to be mad and confused with the world but Nora next to him just felt a little bit much.

The side characters lovely.

The list… predictable and over done.

The town events felt like a bad episode of the Gilmore Girls (and hey I’m a Gilmore girls girl through and through)

Good ideas throughout and really I think there were two books in here that could’ve been split. One: the girl who loves control and needs to learn to lose it. Two: the boy who wants to live up to family expectations but will never be able to.

Will I read another Emily Henry book? Maybe, maybe not.

Something to think about is all… 2.5 stars