A review by dajoyofit
Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton


Simply put, its "Brain Candy". Not that brain candy is bad. Brain candy is decadant and loaded with empty yet delicious calories. Books 1 - 4 are the best. I liked the fact that Anita knows how to use a gun and can hold her own. It isn't often that you meet a female character that can kick some serious ass. She's Laura Croft, Salt, and Mrs. Smith mixed in with a bit of an annoying teenager who needs to be slapped. Sorry I digressed.

I had enjoyed how the author blended supernatural elements and fantasy. I liked how she threw in vodoo and witchcraft, zombies, fairies, and vampires. She created an interesting world with layers. And the fact that Anita had her own powers (she can raise the dead) was pretty cool.

However, after Book #5 the series begins to seriously take a turn away from fantasy (especially with Book #10) and plunges into cheap erotica. I can't even say it's great erotica, because it isn't. Ms Hamiliton should stick to supernatural-fantasy writing. She's not good at erotica. It's like reading b-rated porn. Its sad. Hamilton's editor's should be run out of the publishing business for allowing her to ruin what had started out so promising.

The series was already bogged down with nonessential descriptions; like each character's wardrobe. There's like pages and pages of nothing but a description of what everyone is wearing. If this wasn't bad enough, the series after book 9 stalls and spends all it's time on the ardur, a version of a succubus, which Anita catches. Anita no longer spends time investigating and catching the bad guys, instead she spends her time on her back having sex with an array of men, instead of doing what she actually does best, being a vampire executioner and federal marshall.

Rating Updated:
I've changed my rating of this book, because initally my 2 stars were a reflection on the series and not this particular book. Book #1 Guilty Pleasures was awesome!

In reflection, it was so awesome and it's novelty made me forgiving of the authors sometimes bogged down (stop the story completely) descriptions of a room, the waredrobe of every character in a scene, and so on.

This book is definitely worth the time and money. The series as a whole is a great disappointment, so if you read, don't get too invested.