A review by connieischill
Love Hurts by Malorie Blackman


Oh my God. I'm still in shock at this book. I knew that it was sad, but that- I wasn't expecting that. It is honestly heart wrenching.

1) Halfway through this book, I was already guessing at what had happened to the main character, Matt. I predicted he'd either killed someone, or cheated. But what really happened was so close, yet so far, from my predictions, that I got really emotional. Knowing that someone would do that to another people, make them feel as weak and low as Matt felt- God, it's disgusting. Not that he let it happen- he definitely had no choice, no way to fight back- but the fact that someone as close to Matt as the attacker was, did that.

2) This book was beautifully wrote. I was a bit iffy at the tense it was being wrote in, but I got really used to and comfortable with it and I think it made the book twice as real being told that way. How everything was just thrown at you, happening then, in the present, made it so much more real. The descriptions of how Mathéo felt had such a big impact on the way I read it- it sounded real, and sudden, as if he was just realizing and describing how he felt, as if none of it was planned. 'He feels so entrapped by the horror of existence that it is hard to comprehend why the whole world doesn't feel it too.' Like- How beautiful is that? The entire book is beautiful.

3) Even though the descriptions of the characters were basic, and didn't take up millions of pages, I could clearly picture them, everything about them, how they looked during different moments throughout the book- everything was just so clear.

4) The cover is absolutely beautiful. The girl who designed it, along with everyone else who contributed (wrote in the acknowledgements) did an extremely good job just capturing the entire essence of the book, and Mathéo, perfectly. Not to mention how beautiful the inside, under the dusk jacket, is. The colour co-ordination is amazing.

5) The situation was so realistic, and handled so well. There wasn't any bit of the book where I thought it was unrealistic, or that Tabitha wasn't handling any topic badly. I think one of the topics that hit me was the neglect that Matt's younger brother, Loic, felt. Seeing how his father disregarded Loic, everything he was doing and trying to achieve, was horrible: when he talked to Matt after he found him crying, he was being so mature and compassionate it just made my heart break. Knowing how sorry Matt felt about everything Loic was going through was just terrible.

I loved this book. 5/5 stars, and I'll definitely be reading more books by Tabitha in the future!