A review by thelostvoid
The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley

Did not finish book. Stopped at 40%.
Ok so not only did I learn about the author and all the horrific child abuse shit she did, but this was also boring. It was fun for the first couple hundred of pages but then like ... it just kept going and felt stagnant, like nothing was happening and it was gearing up for more nothing to happen for hundreds more pages. I also didn't particularly like the way the characters were written, particularly the female characters who felt like all they were focusing on was which boys were attractive and how they looked in comparison to the other women around them who were competition for either political power, or sexual power. 

Overall I am very glad I gave this a go as I would like to read more Arthurian/Medieval stuff and this is always so highly suggested, but I am equally as glad that I can put it down and move on.