A review by majabwds
The Novice by Taran Matharu


Sort of like Harry Potter set in the World of Warcraft universe with Pokemon-like creatures. But lamer. The whole time I was reading this I felt like I was being talked down to. The main character has world experience of a girl trapped in a tower. So when he goes to this school to learn how to be a battlemage he sees the injustice of the world i.e. the humans treating everybody non-human like they are trash. He's reactions are so cliched. Oh how horrible!! That can't be!! The whole book is so cliched and the moral of it is as subtle as a rock to the head. It feels like it was written for 9 year-olds. I think the only reason the story ended on a cliff-hanger was so that we would read the sequel. Which I will not. Because if I have to read one more super cliched bad guy line like "I am amazing. Everybody is beneath me. The dwarfs are trash! The Elfs are trash! Sub-humans!!! Fake nobles!! Look father!! A bastard!! How dare you speak to me?!?! I am so much better than you!" UGH!!!!