A review by jewelianne
Mapping the Edge by Sarah Dunant


I loved the premise of this book in theory. I have never seen the movie Sliding Doors so I can't say if it's any good, but I have always thought it sounded interesting, although apparently not interesting enough to get over my "not watching movies" thing. But when I heard about this book (a recommendation for books similar to Help for the Haunted, which I don't necessarily agree with), I was very intrigued. Basically, the idea is that a single mother goes on a brief vacation and does not return when she is expected. As her friends at home grow increasingly more worried, two parallel stories unfold about what might have happened to Anna. One is (kind of) a chic-lit scenario, and the other is more of a thriller/horror story. Sounds great, right?!

But in practice I didn't love it. I think part of it is because I did not find any of the characters very likable. Maybe it's because I'm not a single mother trying to get her groove back, but I didn't really get Anna. Her friend, Stella (whom the parts at home were told through) was probably realistic, but I could not connect with her at all. The only things she seemed to like was Anna and pot. And Anna's other friend Paul wasn't really a deep enough character for me to have any feelings about whatsoever.

As for the parallel stories one was kind of boring, and the other was kind of a page turner, but ultimately didn't really make any sense. A lot of it just seemed pointless. For example, Anna bought her daughter a present that she has with her in both of her parallel narratives. In both versions it gets damaged, but in very different ways. This is kind of interesting, but it didn't really go anywhere. And then at the end, when everything comes together, it sort of felt like the whole book didn't go anywhere. I don't know which story actually was the "real" story, although I guess that's the point? I could deal with that. I could not deal with the last paragraph of the story though, because it seemed like there was supposed to be some revelation there, but it didn't make any sense. I can't really say anything else without posting spoilers. It's not a bad read, but it also didn't live up to what I had hoped.