A review by aliciasliterarylife
Still See You Everywhere by Lisa Gardner


Lisa Gardner was my moms favorite author and once introduced to her years and years ago she became one of my favorite authors, she took me from teenage books to what I read now at 40. I have read every single book she has published and I absolutely love them so I was so excited to be able to review this book. I reread the last two Frankie Elkin books to refresh my memory and then dove into this one. Frankie has a goal and her goal is to find those that are lost. In this story she is looking for the sister of a serial killer by the name of the Beautiful Butcher who is facing death in three weeks time. Fear is instilled early in the book and you are kept on edge the entire time. The scenery was interesting and very different from her typical locations, the crab talk instilled some fear into me for next time I head to the ocean. It was really interesting to learn that it was based off her travels. I really liked how Frankie is a loaner with no home base and met an entire crew of people like her. They were developed well and I really enjoyed the friends she made. Although this book took a bit longer to grip me I really enjoyed it. The only thing that kept me from giving it a 5 is one of the relationships formed in the book goes from 0 to 100 in one day and seems very unrealistic, I wish there was more development there.

Overall great thriller and keep them coming!

Thank you NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for the opportunity to review this digital copy!