A review by k_paul
Calvin by Martine Leavitt


This was the next book on the list for the ones we are reading in class. I was cutting it a bit close with this one since we go over it tomorrow, but I knew it would be a quick read and I wanted it fresh in my mind for the discussion.

I think this would be a great book to teach within a school. The comic Calvin and Hobbes is very well known and I believe this spin on it would be well received. It also portrays schizophrenia in a different way than the media usually does. The symptoms are all listed but in a way that a student would understand. It is also done in a way that makes more sense than the textbook definition.

Warnings: drugs (medication), sex (kissing), R&R (schizophrenia - hallucinations/delusions, mental illness is not a disease, death of a stuffed animal, bashing of public school system/curriculum, teenagers, therapy. mention of suicide risk, stories of sea/lake monsters and ghost stories, slight sexism, uneven distribution of resources war is moronic), violence (bullying/harassment)