A review by ozgipsy
Wheels of Terror by Sven Hassel


An okay action novel of the war from the view of German soldiers

I actually heard the audible edition with a narrator who put a lot of effort into the voices and accents. It was an enjoyable book about Nazi soldiers in a land war in Europe. This makes it quite different to the accounts of the second world war that I have heard from my own family members as we were all visitors to a foreign land.

For a start, his soldier group has a lot of interaction with many other aspects of their country. Including prison barracks, various villages, front line combat on the eastern front, and momentary times of rest in various parts of Europe.

They do horrific work, in a dystopian catastrophe, working for a lunatic and facing an army who they share a mutual hatred with. Hessell manages to make them just soldiers. Non-ideologues who have been caught up in a drama far more powerful than themselves, of which they are only extras.

It shows both the brutality of war, as well as how it brutalises those who take part in it.