A review by labunnywtf
The New Husband by D.J. Palmer


Received via Netgalley in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.

Maybe my expectations for thrillers are too high.

I thought that going a long time without reading thrillers would correct the problem. I thought I was just absorbing too many back to back, so I went back to fantasy, and let my love for thrillers go to the wayside. And then I saw the plot for this, and get super excited.

A missing husband. A life restarted. Secrets coming to the surface, lies people tell themselves, and a new boyfriend who may or may not be dangerous to a woman and her children.

MAN, doesn't that sound great?

The first problem is the start of the book. It is so slow. It is ABSOLUTELY PAINFULLY slow. At about 39% in, I came to Goodreads to check the summary again, because I was more than a little worried I'd done it again, picking up what I thought was a thriller but which was, in fact, a domestic drama. Nope, the reviews say the twist and reveal are INCREDIBLE, keep pushing through.

And things really started working for me. The suspense, the curiosity, the need to know the truth behind the suspicions. They were there, and they were building.

And then not even 50% in, we find out the truth. And it absolutely ruins the rest of the book. If we had continued this game of "Is it real or are we crazy", this could've been an amazing story, and the reveal would've blown my brain out the back of my head.

As it was, I ended up rolling my eyes and watching the percentage bar begging it to get closer to 100%.

Dammit to hell.