A review by andreairashea
Heimat: Ein deutsches Familienalbum by Nora Krug


As soon as I read a review of this book, I simply had to have it. I put it on my Christmas wish list because of the cost, but when I walked into my local book store, it was there, an irresistable temptation. So it ended up being a birthday present to myself.
I'm a big fan of graphic novels, a somewhat silly term invented to make comics somehow respectible. I suppose you really couldn't call this book a comic, since it never follows a traditional panel format. It is a visual feast! The topic was not only close to me (trying to define Heimat, explaining "German-ness" when abroad, and living with the reactions when people find out you're German), but also literally close: one half of the author's family comes from Karlsruhe, as does mine (ok, south of Karlsruhe). The content is thoughtful and thought-provoking. This would make a wonderful book for discussion, especially among a group of expats or bicultural folks.
I was really torn whether to get the German or the English version (published simultaneously) - perhaps I'll have an opportunity to read the English edition someday, just for comparison.