A review by ksorensen
The Productivity Project: Accomplishing More by Managing Your Time, Attention, and Energy by Chris Bailey


If you only ever read one book on productivity, Chris Bailey's "The Productivity Project' should be it. It's accessible, digestible, and actionable. As a bonus, it's even funny!

Bailey links productivity with happiness and mindfulness, and that's a compelling notion. While this isn't about fixing yourself overnight (as that isn't possible), it is about making small incremental changes to your life that will compound over time. His three chapters on food, sleep, and exercise are particularly insightful. He equates drinking alcohol to 'borrowing energy from your future self,' and I find that a helpful thought. He doesn't moralize as some authors do, nor is he unrealistic. He simply urges us to be deliberate in the choices we make. If you choose to drink three beers with the game tonight, make sure you're ok with the consequences. The Productivity Project is a great book - and very much worth the read.