A review by buttonsandbooks
Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez


My heart. Oh my heart. I teared up so many times during this. With a cover like this and knowing it's a romance, you would expect a light, happy read. This was an exceptionally happy read, but it had layers and depth. A few friends had mentioned it, but wow. Just wow. 

Emma is cursed in love. The last several men she's dated have found the one after they break up. Having had a pretty tumultuous childhood and sad relationship with her mother, Emma has some serious reservations about love and commitment. That's why she's a traveling nurse and always going somewhere new with her best friend Maddy. When Maddy and Emma spot a Reddit thread about a man named Justin who is cursed similarly to Emma, the two strike up a fun texting/calling sort of relationship. They decide that they should date each other so they can each meet the one. Emma makes her way to Minneapolis and they strike something up just for the summer, but is that going to be enough?

I don't want to go into details on this one in case someone hasn't picked it up because you should go in blind. The issues and dilemmas were so well done and understandly conveyed. It was hard not to become emotional for these characters. I've loved all of Abby Jimenez's books, but this one takes the cake for me. Hands down. 
