A review by graceburts
How They Met, and Other Stories by David Levithan


I’m exactly not sure why I thought I would like this book. It's a short story collection centred around love and I don’t like romance. I can handle it as a subplot if it’s done well but this is quite clearly a book all about romance. A book containing 15+ stories involving romance. I don’t know what I was thinking.

Surprisingly, I didn’t hate it. I didn’t love it or anything but it was bearable. It started off really interesting. By the fifth story though I was kind of sick of reading about love, as one would expect from me. Even ignoring the fact that I don’t like romance after a while the stories started getting repetitive. All the character’s sort of jumbled and I can barely remember what half of the stories were about only a week after reading it.

I liked the first few stories the most (“Starbucks Boy” and “Miss Lucy had a Steamboat” were my faves) but I don’t know if that’s because I read them first or if they were actually good. If I read one of the later stories at the beginning would I have liked it more? I’m just not sure.

I suppose I should have spread this book out more than I did and read a story a day instead of trying to plow through it. Honestly, I just wanted to be done with it. There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with it, my problems with this book all have to do with my stupidity. So, if you like romance give this one a go, if not maybe learn from my mistakes and stay clear.