A review by verumsolum
Until I Met Her by Natalie Barelli


I'm disappointed in this book. It seemed to start out with such promise and really enjoyable. And then… it turned. About the halfway point, I considered leaving it unfinished. But I hate doing that and, given how strong the book started, I hoped that it would have a strong ending.

By the end of the book, I could find no redeeming qualities in Emma, her husband, nor in pretty much anybody else. Despite seeing things through Emma's point of view, I found no reason to sympathize with her whatsoever.

I see that there is a second book in this series. I have a difficult time understanding why. I usually love series, but I have no desire to spend my time, attention, and emotions on Emma Fern ever again. (If it had been any longer, I may have succumbed to the temptation to leave my reading of the book unfinished.)